Strong souls, in frail bodies

About us
On September 4, 2019, Anna and Anahit Mkhitaryan set foot for the first time in the Kharberd Specialized Children’s Home or “The Kharberd Mankatun”.
The residents of the Kharberd Specialized Children’s Home are special needs children and adults with central nervous system diseases, acquired physical and mental disorders and they do not enjoy any kind of family care.
Anna’s and Anahit’s aim of their first visit was to offer the residents of the Mankatun a live performance of Armenian ethnic music. They believe that regardless of the type of health disorders, Armenian music- as music in general- can have a therapeutic effect on the children.
The resonating tones of Anna’s duduk (an ancient Armenian double reed woodwind instrument made of apricot wood) and the rhythmic beats of Anahit’s dhol (a double sided barrel drum) stirred in the children indescribable sensations and emotions. When the music stopped there was only one thought in their minds: “would it be possible for them also to play music and to sing?” Despite the different degrees of mental development, the absence of fingers and vocal chords, limited mobility and breathing problems, Anna and Anahit were sure and they assured the children that they too could play music and sing, and that their music and their songs would be as special and unique as they were. The magic of music gave wings to the children’s souls to reach for the skies where dreams come true. Faith and trust were all that was needed to create the Kharberd Specialized Children’s Home Ethno Band which eventually would be named “Tshakhruk”.
Why “Tshakhruk”?
Tshakhruk is a small bird belonging to the falcon family. For Anna and Anahit each child at the Children’s Home resembled that bird: strong souls in frail bodies. In other words, the sisters saw a sleeping falcon in those frail bodies and were determined to awaken it and prepare it to spread its wings. Thus, the Tshakhruk bird came to symbolize the strength of soaring souls. In tune with their vision and life philosophy, Anna and Anahit adopted the motto “Physical possibilities are worth nothing without a soaring soul” and engraved it on the wall of the Tshakhruk Cultural Centre. The sisters modelled the Tshakhruk Cultural Centre as a home. Moreover, they got an artist to paint a ‘city of dreams’ on one of the walls of the Centre, where each child has his/her dream house.
In April 2021, Anna and Anahit Mkhitaryans, together with their sister Anush Mkhitaryan, founded the Tshakhruk Cultural NGO.
On June 1st, 2021, the opening of the Tshakhruk Cultural Centre was launched on the premises of the Kharberd Specialized Children’s Home.
Anna and Anahit Mkhitaryan are the founders of the Tshakhruk International Festival of National Music for Special Needs Persons. The festival, organised by the Tshakhruk Cultural NGO, was launched on July 25, 2021 in the city of Vanatsor where the Tshakhruk Ethno Band gave its first full-fledged concert.

Daily life
On December 2nd, 2019 and on October 4th, 2021, the Tshakhruk Ethno Band participated in the “Side to Side” inclusive music-art annual festival.
On June 1st, 2021, the Tshakhruk Ethno Band gave its first recital at the Tshakhruk Cultural Centre.
On July 25, 2021 the Tshakhruk Ethno Band participated in the Tshakhruk International Festival.
In November 2021 the Tshakhruk Ethno Band participated in the “Euroart Iveria-Brilliant” inclusive international festival for special needs persons.
Tshakhruk annual international festival
The musician sisters Anna and Anahit Mkhitaryan are the founders of the Tshakhruk International Festival of National Music for Special Needs Persons. The festival was launched on July 25, 2021 in Hayk square in the city of Vanatsor.

Anna Mkhitaryan