
Physical possibilities
are worth nothing
without a soaring soul


Նվիրաբերեք հատուկ նպատակի համար

About us

Anna and Anahit Mkhitaryans, known in the Armenian music world as the Mkhitaryan Sisters, are professional musicians specialized in playing Armenian woodwind instruments and percussion.
Working as volunteers, they established the Tshakhruk Cultural Centre on the premises of the Kharberd Specialized Children’s Home for special needs children. They created the Tshakhruk Ethno Band where the special needs children and adults residing at the Kharberd Specialized Children’s Home sing and play different musical instruments.
Anna and Anahit Mkhitaryans are the founders of the Tshakhruk International Festival.
Together with their sister Anush Mkhitaryan, Anna and Anahit have founded the Tshakhruk Cultural NGO.

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My dream is to build my own house with my own hands, cultivate my orchard, and host people close to me in my home.


I want to become a great singer.


I dream of becoming a hairdresser so that I can weave and beautify my friends’ hair.

See our dreams
A group of very special children, hidden behind the walls of the Orphanage, invisible and inaudible to the outside world ․․․
One September morning, two musician sisters, passing through the walls, gave voice to silence and wings to the dreams of little souls.
A few months later, the Tsakhruk choir, unveiling their physical disabilities, soared above the walls of the Orphanage, filling the souls of the Tsakhruks with hope and joy.
Two musician sisters, supported by their third sister as a silent pillar, continue to walk with devotion and perseverance, bringing with them the magical healing and comfort of music. Striving for immortality, even the sky is not the limit for them.
Armin Kredian
The meeting with the “Tsakhruks” aroused such great emotions in me. It was as if the doors of heaven were open, and I felt with great pride God looking at these children and these two girls-musicians who loved these children and invested their hearts and souls in them. It is impossible to pass by the spark burning in the hearts of these children indifferently. They found their source of joy through national music. They are no longer just recipients, but the creators themselves. The key is in their hands and Anna and Anahit have opened the doors of fullness to them through music. When you see this, you want to be a part of it in every way.
Էլմիրա Բարտելս
երբ կը տեսնես ու կը լսես այս երեխաները՝ ճախրուկները
կը հասկնաս թէ ինչքան տխուր է մերկ երջանկութիւնը

երբ կը տեսնես ու կը լսես այս երեխաները՝ ճախրուկները
կը հասկնաս թէ ինչքան մօտիկ է մերկ երջանկութիւնը

իսկ դուն՝ կանգնած հեռուն կ’արտասուիս
դիտելով անհասկնալի կամքն ու հաւատքը
երեք գեղեցիկ մխիթարութիւն բուրող նուրբ ու հզօր քոյրերուն
Anahid Sargisian

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Tshakhruk International Festival 2022

04 Sep



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